It's all about the spiritual journey... So let's enjoy it together!

Friday, July 6, 2018

How to tune into the subtle energies to feel crystals

So, I was walking my cute hubby through opening to feel subtle energies. And when we were through, he suggested that I put this information out there for you. Thanks, my Love!!

One of the things you can do to enable yourself and enhance your ability to sense energy, is to work with things that have a subtle energy.

Crystals, stones, plants of all types and trees all have a more subtle energy to that of humans. It is pretty simple to feel, but to initially feel these items you’ll need a slightly different approach than you would with another person’s energy.

If you aren’t currently tuned into the subtle energy fields, this is a good way to open yourself to them. And with being tuned into them, you will enhance your empathic abilities and your clairs will also get a work out. So it’s a win, win! Let’s get started.